curative eurythmy

Eurythmy therapy exercises have a direct relation to growth, regeneration and formative power and address the self-healing powers of humans on a physical, mental and spiritual level. As holistic movement therapy, they promote self-awareness and the self-active recovery skills of the client. The systemic background of anthroposophic medicine can open up new perspectives for understanding one's own biography, which promotes a sense of coherence and can release strengths from resilience.

Eurythmy therapy usually takes place as individual therapy. It can be used at any age, from infants to the elderly. Eurythmy therapy can be used as the sole measure or support and supplement a complementary or conventional medical treatment.

I was able to gain experience in:

Pregnancy & childbirth
- Desire to have children
- Any pregnancy complications (e.g. premature labor) Induction of labor
- Directly after the birth in the puerperium (uterine regression)
- Restless babies

   Geburtshaus Matthea
Klybeckstreet 70
CH – 4057 Basel

- Why me? How can I go my way?
- Support mistletoe therapy / fever therapy through eurythmy therapy
- The client & relatives accompany the dying process together.

- Demarcation exercises against environmental attacks Skin diseases, e.g. neurodermatitis
- Support metabolic processes of the skin

Mental illness / addiction e.g.
- Life crisis
- exhaustion
- depression
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Alzheimer's
- schizophrenia
- Dependencies & addictive behavior
   Eurythmy Room
Asylstreet 19
CH – 8032 Zürich

I am happy to work with the treating doctor so that a network between client, doctor and therapist is created on an equal footing.
© Noèmi Böken | imprint
Website by Rissmann+Rissmann